Sunday, March 14, 2010

Swine Flu And Doughnuts

We had our monthly community 4-H meeting and I had put together some vocabulary words for all the kids so we could work on our livestock terminology. On the beef and horse paper was the question "what is 1 disease you should vaccinate your animal for?" Tanner put swine flu on both papers. I about died....I didn't realize how much I have not taught my own kids. Then when Breck was asked what gestation was he replied "a type of doughnut".......where did he even come up with that? I guess I have my work cut out for me.........

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Slap Jacks on the Corner

My big boys have been really into card games lately and the two favorites are, kings on the corner and slap jack. Jace came into the office today and wanted to play "slap jacks on the corner." It ended up being just slap jack except for he got to look at the card before he laid it down.......which I tried with no avail to convince him he was cheating, he told me "well, that's how I won mom." What to do with this boy............?

Irish Rovers

I love these 2 songs by the Irish Rovers. My Papa had a tape and he would always play it for my sister and I when we were little and would go somewhere with was the highlight of the trip! So fun to have it on my blog!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Valentines Day was a month ago and I am finally just changing my background. I really need to stop doing holiday themed backgrounds, because I am horrible at changing them..........

Trip To Vegas

Con roping his first 3 qualifing steers at the World Championship Dummy Roping

Breck and Sid's team roping run at High Desert Junior Rodeo

Con doing the "barrel trot" on good 'ol Casper

Con dummy roping to win the buckle


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